First, the constructional method of adjacency list is given; then on this basis a fast forming algorithm of sections in distribution network is put forward. 首先给出邻接表的构造方法,基于此提出配电网分块快速形成算法。
In the type name or select from list box, type the name of the distribution list you want to import into your contacts folder. 在“键入名称或直接从列表中选择”框中,键入要导入到“联系人”文件夹的通讯组列表的名称。
To view the list of members for the dynamic distribution group called marketing department, run the following commands. 要查看名为“市场部”的动态通讯组的成员列表,请运行以下命令。
List any names of key suppliers or distribution partners. 把任何关键供应商或经销商伙伴的名字都列出来。
It could be integrate the current measuring, short out and compile and calculation in one body by the supporting of current measuring software which process and print out the three copies of flow calculation list and the section draw of current distribution. 在测流软件的支持下,快速处理、完整打印三份畅流期实测流量记载计算表和断面流速分布图,实现测流、整编、计算一体化。
A key to these species was given, and a species list, with a brief description of literature cited and geographical distribution for each species, was also provided. 为6种植物补充了地区分布新资料.列出了分种检索表,对每个种类的文献引证及地理分布进行了简要记述,并对中国分布新记录及《中国植物志》遗漏种进行了形态学描述。
The algorithm takes advantage of the adjacent list data structure and the mechanism of restricted searching area, that is, the algorithm uses the spatial distribution feature of the real road network to restrict the searching area reasonably. 算法实现采用邻接表数据结构和限制搜索区域的搜索机制,即利用实际城市道路网络的空间分布特性,合理限制算法的搜索区域。
The main contents of this paper list as follows: Firstly, horizontal bearing capability and deformation behaviors of single piles, pile head load distribution in pile group and calculation method of internal force in every pile are summarized in detail. 本文首先对单桩的水平承载力和位移、桩基中各桩桩顶荷载分配以及基桩的内力计算方法进行了综述,然后重点研究了堆载对邻近桩基的影响。
Finally, to solve this problem, Designed a genetic algorithm based on the form of a task linked list encoding. Compare the size of two fuzzy numbers with Probability distribution method, Compare genetic algorithm in this paper with that which coded based on priority values. 最后,针对这一问题设计了一种基于任务链表编码形式的遗传算法,以概率分布法来比较两个模糊数的大小,并将本文设计的遗传算法与基于优先值编码的遗传算法进行比较。